Top 7 Fatherhood Myths Debunked

Becoming a father is one of the biggest moments in any man’s life. It signifies that he is now entering the next stage of his life. It’s also a fun and challenging experience that will no doubt make him a better man. However, if you were to believe all that you hear, fatherhood can seem incredibly complicated, and getting it right may seem like climbing Everest. And, at this time, myths can do you more harm than good. So here, we’ll look at seven of the biggest myths about fatherhood, to help you prepare for the day you become a dad.

1. You Will Have No Time For Yourself:

What’s the scariest thing about becoming a father? How about losing your freedom? Not being able to do what you want when you want it seems like the biggest sacrifice you can make. However, this is far from the truth. In reality, while it will take some getting used to, you will have a lot of help and a partner to help you get through even the toughest of times.

2. Responsible Dad’s Buy Minivans:

A minivan is like the final nail in the “boring” dad coffin. If you see a Dad step out of the minivan, you’ll imagine them turning down a red two-seat sports car because they’ve had their fun wings clipped. The truth is most Dad’s prefer minivans. They are spacious, luxurious, and are extremely practical. And, who’s to say they don’t have an exciting car as well, something that’s only for them.

3. All You Will Do Is Change Diapers:

Yes, as a new father one of your responsibilities will involve changing diapers. No, this does that not mean this is all you will do. Being a new father, there are many new experiences you will have to take part in, so enjoy the good ones and the slightly smellier ones equally.

4. Dads Have To Be Strict:

Dad’s were previously seen as the enforcers. In the game of good cop, bad cop the mother will always come out as the caregiver. Or so you would believe. No law defines your parenting style. Many dads are the happier parents and let their partners worry about the discipline.

5. Sleep Is A Luxury:

Newborns tend to have erratic sleeping habits. The first few months will take some getting used to, after which you will have more control over how much sleep you get. In fact, if you plan your baby’s feeding schedule, you will have plenty of time to get all the sleep you require.

6. Your Partying Days Are Over:

A lot of guys that have kids end up disappearing from the party scene once they become dads. Their friends assume it’s because they don’t see them anymore, they are suffering, or they are bound to stay home and labor while their friends enjoy their lives. Once you’re a Dad, your baby is the most precious person in the world. Every moment you spend with your precious little child is worth more than anything you’ve done before. As a father, you move on to much better things than parties.

7. Dad’s Aren’t As Nurturing As Mothers:

A mother is often portrayed as the loving, caring parent while a father is supposed to be the strong defender of the family. These predefined notions should be taken with a pinch of salt. A father can be just as nurturing as a mother can and caring for a child’s needs in much the same way.

As a father in waiting, there will be plenty of people ready to offer you unsolicited advice. These are the same people that perpetuate myths about fatherhood. However, now that you’ve read our list hopefully, you’re more confident and more aware of your role and standing as you enter this new phase. What was the biggest fatherhood myth you believed?

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